Dry Drowning Symptoms and Signs in Toddlers

Once your child has finished swimming or playing in the water, most parents would think that the chances of drowning are over.  But this happens in the case of those who are unfamiliar with dry drowning. Dry drowning is a kind of drowning that can happen hours after the child has stepped outside the water and is engaged in doing other things.  By having this information, you can now take steps to ensure that this doesn’t happen to your kid.

dry drowning symptoms and signs in toddlers

What is Dry Drowning?

Dry drowning is basically a type of drowning which can happen when your child breathes the water into his lungs and this usually happens when he is struggling while swimming.  This can also be a result of something as normal and simple as getting water into the mouth while swimming or playing in water.

Dry drowning can happen to adults too but it is more common among children because they are small in size.  In the case of dry drowning, the water never reaches the lungs instead it causes the vocal chords of the child to close up and spasm. This may shut his airways off and may make it difficult for him to breathe.

Signs and Symptoms of Dry Drowning

The signs and symptoms of dry drowning begin to show right after any episode in the water.  This is a rare occurrence but you as a parent must be aware of its signs and symptoms so that needed action can be taken fast. The following is a list of some of the main signs and symptoms of dry drowning:

  • Coughing is one of the first and prominent signs of this condition.
  • Another common sign or symptom linked with dry drowning is pain in the chest.
  • Children may also experience troubled breathing in case of dry drowning and may also begin to feel extremely tired for no reason.
  • The child may also show some other changes or signs like drop in the energy levels; irritability and these things could mean that not enough oxygen is reaching the brains.

What To Do

If you notice these symptoms, then you must take the child to the doctor. In most cases, these symptoms go away on their own but you must keep a close watch on the child for the next 24 hours and be in touch with the physician over the phone for giving regular updates about the child’s condition.


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