The Various Pros and Cons of Trendy Baby Names

When a baby is conceived or born, not only the parents but also almost everyone is interested in keeping a suitable name for the baby. While some may prefer traditional and popular names, others may suggest trendy names which are offbeat and a slightly unheard of.

Trendy baby names are truly in trend and everybody wants one for their baby. But are these names really the right choice? Well just like anything else in the world, trendy names for babies too have their set of pros and cons. Let’s find these out:

pros and cons of trendy baby namesPros of Trendy Baby Names

  • Trendy baby names are really a toast of every town and are definitely very pleasant to hear (well, in most cases). These names are not old and not commonly used and thus give your baby a unique identity for life.
  • Trendy baby names are usually loved a lot by young people, those in a creative field and are mostly ‘fashionable’.
  • Trendy baby names can be easily kept on things the parents like: like their favorite music band, a favorite location, place where the baby was conceived or other such things. Thus these names are a reminder of the love of the parents and are usually associated with a memory.

Cons of Trendy Baby Names

  • One of the biggest negative points associated with keeping a trendy name for your baby is the fact that it may be difficult to get the hang of it, for most people. Trendy names are unusual and hence you may have to speak the name many times to completely make it clear to others, especially older people.
  • Trendy baby names may be in trend at that given period of time but have the risk of soon going out of fashion. And once they go out of fashion, the name may not seem so appropriate.
  • Trendy baby names are often misspelled, wrongly pronounced or may even be changed into a nickname very easily.
  • Another negative point about a trendy baby name is that there is a risk that a lot of people won’t like it. It is a fact that most people love names that they have heard of before and are uncomfortable with new and unusual names.
  • Those names in trend may seem unusually and rare at the moment but there is always a big risk that they may be copied and may become very common all of a sudden.


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