Tips for Naming your Baby According to Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese custom which is supposed to create good energy in human lives. Therefore, if you name your baby according to Feng Shui, it will ensure the baby some positive energy right after its birth. It is a difficult task to select a name for the baby and if you consider Feng Shui elements it might get even more difficult. Thus here are some tips to lessen your hardship.

naming your baby according to feng shui

How to Keep Feng Shui Names for your Baby

When you give your baby a good and meaningful name, you bless them for life. In the Feng Shui process, selection of names is made based on personal Ba Zi or date of birth, time, year etc, of the individual. Here are a few tips that you need to follow if you wish to keep your baby name considering Feng Shui–

Selecting the Name Following the Balance

Feng Shui basically revolves around ‘balance’. Thus, a Feng Shui consultant would always first check your baby’s balance and then select the name. Depending on the five elements, namely fire, water, wood, earth and metal, the consultant will apprehend the right balance and then suggest a few names that would assure happiness, success and peace in your child’s life.

Follow a Meaning

You will hardly find any meaningless names if you follow a Feng Shui naming book. They follow the literal meaning of every name – Harmony, Joy and Grace are the three most common representations of the names.  According to Feng Shui, a name should blend with the character of the person and also comprehend the future approximately.

Easy Pronunciation

Names should not be too difficult to pronounce or write. Burdening your baby with a troublesome name is not a good idea according to Feng Shui. A simple name for the baby will make them go through life a little easily. 

Sensible Naming following CHI

Feng Shui says to use your senses. The name should be elevating the environmental ‘Chi’; traditionally Chi means life force amongst Chinese. Names should be appealing and pleasant when called aloud. A name that enhances the Chi will be inspirational to the person and also the environment.

Combine Numerology

It is said that names with Feng Shui tradition if combined with numerology gives the best effect. As per Feng Shui each letter is related to a number between one and nine and the numerical representation of a name can prophesize the future of the child. For instance, if a name represents number 8 it means ‘lucky’ in Feng Shui.

These are the basic tips one can follow in order to name a kid according to Feng Shui principles.

More Resources:

The Dos and Don’ts – Newborn Baby Care

Calm Down a Hyperactive Baby


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