Homemade Baby Shower Invitations – Your Many Options

Gone are the days when the invite that you sent out had to depend upon just a few available options. Today, the ideas for homemade baby shower invitations are literally limitless; and here are just a few that we thought were interesting .


A traditional card invite

These types of homemade baby shower invitations can be as simple or as elaborate as you may want them to be. You can go online to find cute photos or graphics which you can either take printouts of or which you can replicate by drawing and painting on card paper. Alternatively, you can print a sonogram picture of baby on the invite to make it really and truly unique. On the inside the usual details of the time, venue, date, host and RSVP can be included along with special instructions, theme (in any) and so on. Another option, is contact a company that specializes in digital printing and create the invitations online using their software. Of course if you have photo paper and a digital printer, you could also print them out yourself.

A baby romper invite

You can use pretty patterned card paper for this, and cut it out in a baby romper shape. You can make a little dress for a girl, or an onsie for a boy. You can then decorate with colorful cutouts to create lacy edges, make buttons and bows and other little decorative elements.

The detailed info can be then added on in hand or by pasting a print out on the inside of the card. There are many more options – the cut out can be in the shape of a baby’s bib, little booties, a tiny little baby vest, or even a baby diaper.

The caterpillar invite

These can also be simple and innovative homemade baby shower invitations – firstly cut colorful card paper into circles (about 4 should do for each invite). On the topmost circle make a smiley face and eyes, on the one below say what the occasion is, the third one can say when and where the event is and the final one can include special instructions or theme if any (if there are no special instructions just three layers will do). You then attach the four together by punching a hole and using brass fasteners to attach each layer together.

A diaper invite

These homemade baby shower invitations can be easily made using new born sized disposable baby diapers. Quite simply you can print out or hand write the invitation details on card paper, add some interesting baby themed graphics or pictures, and then simply stick it on to the diapers. You can tack on some ribbons, buttons cutouts and so on to the diapers to make the invites even more appealing. This will certainly make an interesting if unusual kind of invite to receive in the mail.

A video invite

If you don’t have the time to sit down and create homemade baby shower invitations out of paper, and other craft items, then make one using nothing but a video camera. The host can create a truly unique invite by making a video stating the time, details, venue of the planned baby shower. This can be emailed as a video attachment or can be posted on a private blog; the link sent by email to invitees.


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