Reviewing Lamaze Baby Toys

It’s never too soon to start educating your youngsters and this might determine you to consider the Lamaze baby toys.

The best thing about them is that they develop the motor, visual and the independent playing skills of the babies.

Multisensory clutch cube


This toy is a lot more than just a simple rattle. It comes with chewable parts, rings, peek-a-boo flaps and it makes jingling sounds. The toy is just great to develop the coordination and motor skills. It is one of the most popular toys and it can grab the attention of the little one for months.

Grip‘n’Grab Rattle


This is another one of the Lamaze toys for babies. It is a colorful rattle that is meant to make different kinds of interesting noises. The toy became the favorite of both the babies and the parents in a very short period of time. This is all that parents need during a road trip.

Lamaze Buzz


When it comes to the Lamaze baby toys, this is one that you must consider. It has the shape of a bee. It is made of velour and cotton so it is really soft. Since it is colorful it can entertain the babies visually. It has small items hanging from it that can be pulled and that make interesting noises.

First mirror


If you are thinking about this Lamaze baby toy you don’t have to worry because the mirror is made of plastic and it is flexible. The frame can be removed and it can be added to the base of the mirror that can hold the weight of the baby. Seeing their reflection in the mirror is something new for the babies.



This one of the Lamaze baby toys is in fact a three dimensional stuffed toy that has the face of the sun on one side and the moon on the other side. The hanging pieces for sure will grab the attention of the little one. These have the shape of a ladybug, a star, butterfly and a triangle.

Octotunes as the smartest baby Lamaze toy


Just as the name of this one of the Lamaze baby toys suggests, it has the shape of an octopus that can sing. The eight legs of the octopus can be pulled or squeezed to make different musical sounds. Usually the parents make the music for the young babies, while the older babies can make music on their own.


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