Preparing For Your Newborn

preparing for newbornIf you are expecting a baby, chances are you have done a lot of preparing for baby’s arrival.

You’ve chosen clothing, prepared the nursery, chosen a name, etc. But what have you done to prepare yourself for baby’s arrival?

Hopefully you have already taken a childbirth process preparation class and pre-registered at the hospital or birth center where you will deliver.

Or if you’re planning a home birth, you’ve already gotten a list from your midwife of the supplies you need to have on hand and have everything ready.

Here are some other things you should do to prepare for your baby’s arrival:

  • Sleep: Labor is hard work, and the first several weeks of your baby’s life will be very hectic. Get all the rest you can right now. (And plan to sleep when baby sleeps.)
  • Stay active: Unless your health care provider has restricted your activity, stay active. Continue your childbirth preparation exercises, and consider walking to build endurance and relieve stress.
  • Watch your diet: As your baby grows larger, you may find it more difficult to eat. Make sure the foods you do eat are nutritious and good for baby and you. Choose lean proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains, and be sure to stay well-hydrated.
  • Take care of business: The best time to negotiate your maternity leave is early in your pregnancy, or before you become pregnant. As the time nears for your maternity leave, try to leave your office in such a state each day that if you did not return, your substitute could pick up and care for things in your absence.
  • Pack your bag: Prepare your bag to take to the hospital at least several weeks in advance of your due date. Include snacks, telephone numbers of people to call, and any comfort items you may want.
  • Couple’s time: Try to have a special date with your significant other before the baby arrives. Once baby is here, it may be several months before you’ll be able to have a quiet dinner out alone together.
  • Me time: Spend time relaxing and doing things that make you happy. Enjoy this wonderful time of pregnancy, knowing that very soon you will be holding your adorable baby in your arms.


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