Tips for Getting your Child Ready for Preschool

The start of preschool for your child may be a time of mixed as well as conflicting emotions for you and your child.

You might feel happy and excited that your child will at last be going to school and will make new friends as he starts on this very important milestone.

Coupled with this could be a slight sadness that now your child will be going and spending time away from you.

Do realize that these mixed emotions are a reflection of what your child might be feeling at the start of her foray into the world of pre-schoolers.

Follow these tips to help your child get ready for preschool.

getting your child ready for preschool

Help your child get used to the idea of preschool by role playing school with her before the first day of preschool. Take turns to act like teacher, parent or child and involve your child fully into this role play. Explain to her about what is to be expected at school, whom she will meet, the friends she will make and the things she will be learning and the games she would be playing.

Take your child to the school before her first day at preschool. Let her meet the teacher. Play with her in the playground. Let her walk through the school with you. The familiarity of the surroundings when she returns to school on her first preschool day will help her adjust better.

Talk to your child about his concerns and you will be surprised at how many concerns he has. Explain to him that the time away from you will just be a short while after which you will be back to pick him up. Talk to him about what he is scared about. He may tell you that he is scared that there won’t be anyone to pick him at the end of the day. Reassure him that school is a place to meet new people and learn new things and you will always be there to pick him after school.

Before the start of school go shopping with your child to buy a backpack and lunch box. Let your child choose his own backpack and other things that he will be carrying to school like the water bottle, lunch box, new shoes etc. This will not only make him excited but also feel important that he is grown up and can choose his own things.

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