Five ways to Cope with Post-Partum Depression

Pregnancy is good news, and giving birth is even better. The feeling is amazing and it instills in us a sense of responsibility and amazement, but amid all happiness and cheers, strange things may affect you post-pregnancy, and trust me, at times, it is unbearable. We are talking about post-partum depression, which affects millions of women in the world.

Post-partum depression is one step ahead of the “baby blues” wherein worries and anxiety continue for a long duration and affect your psychological health greatly. All women are susceptible to post-partum depression, but those women28 with a previous history of depression and anxiety are most vulnerable and must watch out for the symptoms.

Five ways to cope with post-partum depression

Women are advised to consult a professional, but there are a number of things they can do to mitigate the effects of post-partum depression and some of them have been mention below:

  1. Cry your heart out

Post-pregnancy, your body is gradually moving back to its pre-pregnancy status, and this facilitates a number of hormonal changes in your body. In order to handle the tumultuous changes, you got to secret hormones and one of the best ways to do this is through crying. Why? Well, tears are basically one of the natural ways to secret hormones.

  1. Sleep well

Sleeplessness is the usual order of life post-pregnancy—your infant is restless and an awful sleeper, and because of that, you cannot get enough of your sleep. But, it is important you take adequate sleep. It is recommended that you seek assistance from your family members for at least 2 days so that your body can get the right amount of rest it requires post-childbirth.

What good will a nice sleep would do? Well, it will make you less cranky and more positive towards theinfant.

  1. Exercise

Exercise seems like a far-fetched dream after having come out of the childbirth phase, but you have to do it. Exercising is reportedly an effective mechanism for reducing depression, and all of this happens because of endorphin.

When we say exercise, we do not only prescribe the hardway, such as gym or aerobics, but also the milder forms such as brisk walking. Whatever mode of exercising you choose, make sure you follow it religiously.

  1. Eat healthy

Depression can affect your diet, which naturally will affect your health, and once health deteriorates, things get worse—so eat a balanced diet. Refrain from drinking alcohol or caffeine because they greatly aggravate depression and affect psychological and physical health.

  1. Confide in your partner

One of the most common symptoms of thepost-partum syndrome is disassociation with partner. Women tend to alienate themselves from their partners and show less concern for them, and because of their self-induced alienation, they suppress a lot of their emotions and troubles inside, and this is not good.

If you really wish to head-on deal with the post-partum mess, you have got to open up to your partner, friends, and family members—tell them how awful you feel, how much love you need from them and they will hopefully understand.

So, don’t hold back.


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