Creative Baby Shower Gifts Ideas – DIY vs. Purchased

The baby showers are more popular than ever, so it is no wonder that there are so many people looking for creative baby shower gift ideas.

You could make these gifts on your own, but if you don’t have the time for it you may also buy the gifts.

Basket of goodies

Creative-Baby-Shower-Gifts-IdeasThe main point of this gift is to have a basket or a pouch in it that is filled with essential items for the new mother. You may consider offering the mother everything she needs for traveling, such as diapers, a new onesie, wipes, baby powder, baby food, formula and so on.

Crib mobile

The best thing about this gift idea for baby shower that is creative is that it is something new and you can make it to match the colors of the nursery. If you know that the little one will be a girl you should make the pieces of the mobile to have the shape of flowers, while small cars are more suitable for little boys.

Camera lens pal

When thinking about creative baby shower gift ideas most probably you know that parents usually have a hard time getting the baby look at the camera. A good idea might be to get a camera that is disguised as something else, like a stuffed animal, which will grab the attention of the little one.

Diaper cake

If you would like the creative gift ideas for the baby shower to be useful as well, you may think about offering a diaper cake. Just as the name suggests, this cake is made of diapers that are held together by ribbons. Before making the cake you should find out whether the mother prefers disposable diapers or cloth ones.

Onesie decoration

A baby can never have enough onesies and this is something you should keep in mind regarding the creative baby shower gift ideas. Bring to the shower a piece of decoration that consists of onesies added to a string.

The first album

One of the nicest things that you can buy regarding the creative baby shower gift ideas is an album. The first few pages could be about the little one’s baby shower because this is the first time when the little one is celebrated as a real person.


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