The Month to Month Activities for Your Baby

Babies change rapidly and add activities to their repertoire equally fast. The first few months especially are filled with so many new activities as the baby is learning to do new things constantly.

Spend some quality time with your new baby. Listen to the noises they make and try and understand the change in their cries. Hold the baby often close to your body to let them feel your warmth and protection.

Baby ActivitiesTalk to your baby and observe the way it reacts to the tone of your voice. Play soft music in the presence of the baby. Rock their cradle with different rhythms.

Soon you will know what the baby likes best and you will be ready to soothe your baby next time it is crying.

The baby is learning to grasp, hold out your finger in the early days and soon you can let the baby grasp soft toys and rattles. At every opportunity, let the baby know you are there for it.

Don’t leave a crying baby unattended or else they will feel ignored and not loved. Hold a crying baby close to yourself and soothe them.

As the baby grows you will want to get out of the confines of your home. Take your baby out in a stroller and walk down to your favorite café. As the baby relaxes in the stroller, spend a couple of hours drinking coffee, reading or even catching up with friends on the phone.

Even when you are not in the same room as your baby, let them know you are near by singing to them or even talking as you complete tasks in the nearby room.

You can even play at letting the baby choose her own clothes by holding out different clothes and choosing the ones the baby grabs at.


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