Junk Food Can Lower Toddler IQ

We know of all the many reasons why junk food is no good for kids and that it is important for kids to make a healthy start in life, in terms of what they eat, because it can have far reaching consequences. Apparently it isn’t just the physical health but also mental ability that may suffer as a result of junk food, a new English study has revealed.

toddlers junk foodGiving toddlers junk food may lower IQ, claims the study, whereas eating a diet rich in nutrients such as vitamins can help them have a higher IQ and fare better later in life.

According to lead researcher Kate Northstone, of the University of Bristol, healthy eating impacts more than just the weight of the child; that it can actually lead to differences in a child’s intelligence and mental capability.

It is the toddler age that was deemed to be particularly important because a child’s brain develops and grows at the highest pace during the all important first few years of life.

So clearly the adage We are what we eat holds true here, and no more so than the first three years of a person’s life!


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