Most Popular Baby Shower Invitations

Baby shower invitations go by a certain trend. From among the hundreds available the most popular are picked and selected for you. Here are 10 most popular baby shower invitations:

1. Little Peanut

This is a simple invitation that welcomes guests to a baby shower with elegance. You could customize it with different wordings and a different color scheme and make it more enticing. You can shop at for this invite.

2. Peas Pun

In its own sweet way the invite says peas join us. The invite is simple but very cute. You can add equally cute wordings to it and tailor it to your taste.

3. His, Hers and Baby’s

A modern design with a unique style, this baby shower invite is sure to grab the attention of your invitees.

4. Unique Cravings

A colorful and a differently worded invite, this baby shower invitation is worth a try. It is sure to take your invitees by surprise. You can customize it with your set of cravings. Who knows you might get them as a bonus at the party.

5. Messy Baby

This is a cute incite that depicts a cartoon baby on a really high chair and pokes fun at the parents to be. The invite is sure to make your invitees laughing through your front door.

6. Game Over

This theme is rather bold, but goes well with those who can pull it off with their set of friends and relatives. It talks about how the game of carrying the baby is now over.

7. Not That Kind of Shower

This is an amusing shower invite idea that allows you to customize it by adding matching backers and thank you cards as well.

8. Pregnant & Fabulous

Though a bit whimsical, this invite is for those who want to make the event light on themselves. The sentiment is quite clear. If you like this invite then order it from

9. The Muffin’s Baking

The invite is a pun intended sort of card and makes for a classic invitation idea for a baby shower. It can be customized as per your taste at

10. Mustache Bash

The mustache theme which is so popular these days has invaded the baby shower realm as well. In keeping with this choose an apt mustache theme invite from


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