Treating Your Baby’s Diaper Rash

baby diaperNo matter how frequently you change your baby’s diaper, chances are your baby will get diaper rash at one point or another.

Here are some ways to help prevent diaper rash, and help it heal quickly when it does happen.

  1. Change the baby’s diaper frequently. Get into the habit of changing your baby before a long drive or any other time baby is likely to fall asleep. You might also want to add a protective barrier cream to baby’s bottom at times like these.
  2. Protective barrier creams help prevent moisture from coming into contact with baby’s delicate skin and can help heal diaper rash. Common barrier creams include zinc oxide based products such as Desitin, or petroleum jelly based products such as A&D ointment. Some parents swear by baby oil, baby cream, or plain petroleum jelly. Whatever you have been using, if baby gets stubborn diaper rash, try switching products to see if that helps.
  3. Change diaper brands. Some parents find cloth diapers work better than disposables. Some parents find switching from one disposable diaper brand to another helps solve the problem.
  4. Clean gently. Always use clean warm water and a mild cleanser on baby’s sensitive skin.
  5. Try letting baby go without a diaper for a while.
  6. Stubborn diaper rash that does not clear up within a few days may be yeast based and require medication. Contact your baby’s pediatrician.

For the most stubborn diaper rash, here is a fool-proof method. After cleaning baby’s bottom, put some liquid antacid on a cotton ball, and gently dab baby’s bottom. Allow this to dry, and then apply a generous amount of barrier cream.

Then add a dusting of baby powder on top of baby’s cream covered bottom and in the diaper to help keep the cream in place. This seems like a bit of a production, and it is, but it will generally help with even the most stubborn diaper rash begin to heal within only a few changes.


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