5 Tips to Dress Up a Newborn

When you go out shopping for your newborn, you may get overly excited and end up buying all kinds of baby clothes—it is, after all, always fun to dress up babies. However, amid all the excitement and frenzy shopping, we become increasingly ignorant of the real objective—dressing up the baby safely and comfortably.

Dressing up newborns is not as easy as it may sound, and we have to keep in mind certain guidelines.

Five tips to dress up a newborn

What are those guidelines? Well, we have the answer in this article. In this article, we have enumerated five tips for dressing up newborn.

1. Layers are important

It is fundamental to regulate the body temperature of the newborn, and this specific requirement is very difficult to maintain. It is, thus, recommended that instead of thick clothes, you should put layers on the body.

In warm weather, you can go for a single layer, but, in the case of cold weather, you may want to add a few more layers of clothing on the fragile body.

After having done the layers, you may wrap up gently a blanket around the baby.

2. Stretchy fabric is a life-saver

One of the most comfortable clothing options for newborns is stretchy clothing. Newborns move a lot, and, hence, the need to stretch. Give the babies the comfort of free movement however they move their bodies.

Moreover, the advantage of purchasing stretchy clothing is that they actively participate in the developmental process of the baby.

If your child is feeling comfortable, he or she will not create much nuisance for you.

3. Do not go for snaps and side-buttons

Comfort is a priority while shopping for baby clothes. Your baby will spend most of his or her time lying on back, and you would not want anything to rub against the skin in that region. Thus, avoid clothing with snaps and side-buttons.

It is recommended that you get those clothing which comes with frontal openings.

If you do not take note of this, your baby may end up getting bruises on his or her body.

4. Choosing the right design is fundamental

Dressing up your newborn is challenging, and it, thus, becomes all the more important to choose the right design.

It is highly recommended that you focus more on jumpsuits which come with a frontal opening since these are easy to put on.

In case you are buying shirts, choose the ones with V-necks, since they allow easy removal from over the baby’s head.

Prefer clothing with zips over those with buttons for more comfort during the dressing-up session.

5. Shoes can be done away with

Your newborn has no practical use of shoes, and thus, you should give them a miss. In fact,  shoes may end up causing hurt to the fragile, tiny toes.

Instead of shoes, it is recommended that you purchase socks. Socks ensure that the feet are warm and protected. In fact, there are many soft-soled shoes available in the market that offer more warmth.


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