Planning your Baby’s Crib Bedding- Know the Best Fabric to Use

One of the things that most expectant parents do during the pregnancy is to get the baby room decorated and designed.  Ofcourse, the crib forms the most important part of the baby’s room and must be filled in carefully, using the right materials, fabrics and bedding.

Infact even for those parents whose babies have turned a couple of years or more, the fabric of the bedding is an important thing to consider because the little ones must not be exposed to or brought in contact with harmful materials. The following are the best fabric options for the bedding of your baby’s crib or bed:

planning your baby’s crib beddingCotton

One of the best materials for the baby’s bedding is cotton. Cotton is ideal because it has the capability to absorb the spills and the messes more than any other material and also because it is so easy to clean. This material is breathable and is also both durable and economical.  The bedding items that must be thus made of cotton include the Bedsheet, the pillow cases, the comforters, the bed skirts, and anything else like the side pillows etc. as well.  Cotton is also very soothing as it is gentle on sensitive skin.


Flannel is another material which goes well on baby bedding because it adds a touch of warmth and softness to the sheets and pillowcases.  Moreover, flannel also comes in fun colors and patterns which go well in the baby’s room or crib. A lot of manufacturers sell bed sheets for baby cribs that are made out of flannel.

Organic Fabric

You can also choose and use organic fabrics as they are great for the sensitive skin of babies.  Organic fabrics like organic cotton is made without the use of harmful things like pesticides, chemicals and fertilizers etc. and hence is a good choice. You can also opt for bamboo as it requires very little water to grow and thrives without the use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals.


Another material which is great for baby bedding is fleece.  Fleece not only lends comfort and softness but also texture and style to a baby’s bedroom or crib. This material is fluffy, warm and easy to clean. Also, fleece is loved by babies as they can easily snuggle into it and fall asleep during the night or the day.  Fleece is ideal for the cold winter season.


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