Understanding Colic in Babies

Colic in babies is a temporary condition that will affect between 10% to 15% of children at some stage. The triggers are not fully understood but there are a variety of theories.

This is not really something that babies suffer from; it is something that they do and is part of development – just not the nicest part.

Colic in Babies

Theories Behind Colic in Babies

One popular theory – in fact, the most popular one of them all – is that a baby’s intestines are just working too hard or too much. This causes cramps, which will cause the pains that are felt. Another theory is due to the bowel movements, that may be just too slow and the bowels expand due to the air.

Another thought is that the baby just eats too quickly or too much. This causes swallowing air but not burping and will then lead to the pain felt.

The Signs of Colic

Colic in babies has several signs that are very similar. You need to look out for these to help with treatment and care. Your child may not have all the signs of colic but there will be some of these.

Colic will usually appear during weeks two and four after the birth of the baby. This is something that can remain present for three months after the initial sign.

Your baby will usually cry loudly and no matter how much you comfort him or her, the crying will not stop for two to three hours. The crying will often be at the same time, during the day and usually in the late afternoon.

Something that your child will not be able to tell you is about the bowel pain that is felt but your baby will pull his or her feet up and will look like there are stomach problems. There are other babies that will release lots of wind.

Helping a Baby with Colic

Because colic is not completely understood, it is difficult to give advice on what will help colic in babies. There are some theories, including rocking a baby while he or she is crying. Being held tightly or wrapped up will also help – the heat is thought to help with the passing of air.

Something that is considered to help is massaging the tummy gently. Use circular movements left to right to help the wind to pass – this is something that you can do for yourself if you have wind problems.

So you do not have to try and help your baby cope, it is worth trying to avoid the chances of colic appearing. Start off with convincing your baby to drink slowly and burp your baby on a more regular basis to help with the release of air. If your baby drinks formula, it may be the brand that is causing the problem.

It is common to be overwhelmed when you see colic in babies, but it is important to calm down and understand that this is just development. The good news is that it is only temporary and it will disappear eventually.


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