Observe The Different Skin Conditions On Your Newborn Skin!

Newborn SkinThe newborn skin becomes reddish after the first bath due to more red blood cells.

The skin of your baby can become mottled or pale blue color in cold weather.

You have to keep your baby warm to protect the skin. The baby’s skin becomes flaky or dry during second week.

Newborn skin conditions


It produces tiny white bumps under the surface of the skin on the face. Bumps occur due to the retention of oily material of hair follicles and old skin cells. These are common in infants. They resolve typically during the first month of your baby’s life.

Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

The enlarged sebaceous glands cause the yellow shiny bumps on your baby’s face. These are the natural response to the pregnancy due to maternal hormones.

Epstein’s pearls

These are orally equivalent to the milia. They appear as yellow bumps (papules) or small white bumps (papules) along hard palate or gums. It can affect more than two third infants. They disappear within one month spontaneously.

Sucking blisters

These are commonly seen on wrists, hands, arms and fingers of newborn. These are caused by the vigorous sucking of the infants in mother’s womb. They disappear rapidly and no treatment is required for this skin condition.

Cradle crap

Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp or cradle crap is a greasy or waxy scaling that appears over the scalp as red base during few months of infants life. It spreads to the nose, ears and eyebrows of the face. This can disappear within 8 to 12 months by the help of simple treatment.

Frequent shampooing treatment can be useful. In case of resistant and thick scales, the scalp should be rubbed with olive or warm mineral oil. To loosen the scalp, the hair should be combed or brushed daily. For stubborn areas, medications can be prescribed.

Acne neonatorum

Sebaceous glands of newborn are affected if he/she acquires hormones from you. This leads to the transient skin diseases. The exact cause for the acne neonatorum is not understood.

Diaper rash

This is commonly seen in toddlers and infants. It is caused due to several factors. The common cause for diaper rash is due to prolonged feces or urine in soiled diaper that can cause skin irritation. Yeast Candida can infect this irritated skin.

Friction and chafing is also one of the problems. This problem can be resolved by frequent diaper change and keeping children without diapers. You can leave your baby with bare bottom for sometime, if you observe the diaper rash.

Friction and moisture can be reduced with the help of drying agents like corn starch and baby powder. Anticandidal creams should be used to treat the Candida infection. Oral medications can be taken for Candida that is present in mouth. For irritations, use the mild cortisone creams.

The above mentioned conditions can affect the newborn skin. When you identify these symptoms, take your child to the pediatrician.


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