Baby Gift Baskets Ideas

When people are looking for baby gift basket ideas in the majority of the cases they are thinking about premade baskets.

The truth is that a basket of this kind can be made at home as well and these are a lot cheaper than the ones from the stores. As an added bonus, they can be personalized as well.

Baby Gift Baskets Ideas

Nursery Items

If you wish to add nursery items to the basket, you could be thinking about lullaby music, nursery rhyme CDs and colorful mobiles. If you aren’t on a tight budget, you may also consider offering changing mats, cribs and other pieces of furniture.Educational toys are also a nice addition to the basket too.

Regular Items

There are a lot of items that the new parents will need regarding the gift basket ideas for babies. Think about bottles, teething rings, nipples, bibs, pacifiers, spoons, and rattlers. Consider the items that you would like to get when you will have a baby.

Bath Time

When it comes to the baby gift basket ideas make sure that you choose only the things that the baby and the parents can actually use. Add to the basket some baby powder, soaps, lotions, wash cloths, towels, brush set, tub toys, and some shampoo.

Baby Clothes

In case you are looking for tips for baby gift baskets, think of the items that the babies have never enough of: clothes. Offer some onesies, socks, cloth diapers, shoes, training pants or a gift card at a shop for the mother to choose all the things that she will need.

Capture the Moment

The baby gift basket ideas that you may find could include items that are meant to immortalize the baby starting with the first days of life. Think about a disposable camera, some photo frames, and a photo album to place all those photos in.

The Parents

The people looking for baby gift basket tips shouldn’t forget about the parents either. They may consider a gift basket with gourmet food, sweets, or anything else that the parents might like. It is also a good idea to offer a gift card to a nice restaurant.

If you think that you have absolutely no baby gift basket ideas, just think of all the things that you would find useful if you had a baby. This will narrow down the possibilities.


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