Addressing Fatigue of New Parents

It can be exhilarating, but it can be undeniably exhausting and overwhelming looking after that new little bundle of joy – new parents and the problem of fatigue is a very common one.

fatigueThe problem may be a common one but should not be ignored for that reason. Research has found that the very basic relationships in the parent’s life; such as the one with a partner, or with the child themselves, could be affected by such fatigue. So, parental fatigue is something that should actively be worked on.

It has been seen that 95% of babies cry when awaken from sleep and need to be soothed back to sleep by someone, which will obviously interrupt parental sleep.

Later however, after 8 months of age, babies may be able to awaken and go back to sleep on their own, without help and at times without the parents even realizing that the bay was awake.

Wide Awake Parenting, a program initiated by Dr Amanda Cooklin, a Research Fellow at the Parenting Research Foundation, examines the ramifications of this fatigue experienced by new parents.

If a baby seems unable to go back to sleep even after 8 months of age, then this could seriously add to parental fatigue, so it is recommended that parents should think of getting extra help.


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