How To Prevent Your Infant From Becoming Overweight?

overweight infantWhen an infant gains weight and weighs much more than he is growing in height, then this means that he is an overweight infant.

This in fact can be one of the first indicators that the infant is becoming overweight and if the parent is aware of this clue, the weight problem of the infant can be tackled sooner rather than later. [Baby Weight]

The parent must also remember that although overweight babies may look cute, it does not necessarily mean that the infant is healthy; fat is not healthy at all.

Instead of tackling the problem after the infant has become far too overweight and then putting the baby on a diet of sorts, it would be a better idea to prevent the infant from becoming overweight at any cost, especially if obesity tends to run in the family.

Here are some tips on how to prevent your infant from becoming overweight

1. Breastfeed your child, since it is a proven fact that breastfed babies will weigh less than formula fed babies.

2. Try to avoid grazing; that is, nursing your baby at frequent intervals. Instead, feed him only when you know he must be hungry. When your baby grazes, he will quickly learn that turning to food whenever he is bored or upset will bring him relief, and he will use this strategy even when he grows older.

Similarly, never give your baby the bottle when he is upset or angry, or simply for him to carry around. This will teach him to rely on food whenever he feels upset, and this will make him become overweight.

3. Always remember to feed your infant [infant feeding] at a slow and unhurried pace; this will teach him to eat slowly when he grows older.

If he eats quickly, his body will not be able to tell him that his stomach is full, and when he eats slowly, he will feel satisfied when his stomach is full. This is a good habit to develop in an infant who shows a tendency towards putting on weight at an early age.

4. Similarly, do not force your baby to finish his bottle when he doesn’t want to, unless you know for a fact that he is underweight. His body knows what he is to do.

5. Never use food as a distraction for your child; instead give him toys  to play with [baby toys].

As a parent it is your responsibility to develop good eating habits in your child even when he is an infant. These habits will stand him in good stead when he grows older, and help him keep a check on his weight.


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