When Do Babies Begin Teething?

baby teethingYour baby’s first year will be filled with a myriad of milestones and teething is one of them.

Many new parents don’t know when to expect the first teeth and don’t know what to do when their happy, gurgling baby turns into a screaming monster.

Most babies begin cutting the first of their teeth between the ages of four and seven months.

As all babies are different they may get their teeth earlier or they may come in later.

Moms and dads should quickly get their camera to snap a picture of the new porcelain beauty.

When Teeth Start Developing

Before you even see that first hint of white on your baby’s gums the teeth are already developing in the gums. They actually start their development in the womb. Baby teeth will break through over a period of months one at a time.

Typically the first teeth you will see are the bottom front two followed by the top front two but this is not a hard and fast rule as all baby’s develop at their own pace.

Lots of times parents worry that their baby’s teeth are not coming in straight, but don’t be alarmed as usually they will straighten as the rest of the teeth come in.

The very last teeth that appear are the second molars. They are found in the back of baby’s mouth and are usually in place by the time your baby turns two.

When baby hits the age of three, he should be the proud owner of a full set of baby teeth that number 20.

Teething Symptoms

Lots of babies drool and it can sometimes cause a facial rash which is nothing to be concerned about.

Gums may swell and become sensitive. Don’t be surprised if your baby is irritable or fussy as teething is quite a painful process and an adult would be in utter agony if they had to experience it.

Some babies refuse food and others want to bite down on everything they see. There are excellent teethers that you can find that can be put in the freezer to soothe sore gums. Other babies experience sleeping problems [Baby Sleep].

Have a pain reliever on hand as well as a number of teethers so that you and baby can get through this time with the least amount of fuss and pain.

Remember, these are not the teeth your baby will have throughout his life but should be taken care of as if they were.


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