Comfortable Bath Time Essentials For Little One

Newborn babies are sensitive and like being pampered. All new moms want to show their love and affection for their babies, but the most important ground rule is to provide a comfortable and clean feeling for your infants.

One of the best ways to provide a refreshing clean feeling for your baby is by bathing them. There are many safe options available to give your little one a good bath.

Newborn to Toddler Bath Center & Shower

This super-convenient and safe bath center has a few helpful stages that can make your baby bath time easy for you and for your baby.

The transitional features of this bath center are specially designed to grow with your baby, which means your baby will be able to use it throughout his/her toddler years.

It measures 27.75 inches by 17 inches by 10 inches and it is suitable for babies up to 2 years. [ via ]

Frog Pod Bath Toy Scoop & Storage

This good-looking green frog pad storage attaches semi-permanently to almost any bath tub.

It includes adhesive strips that can be removed without harming any tile or wall surfaces. If you want to use it for the long term, you can mount it with a screw.

It features a built-in shelf shampoo storage and removable scoop on its back which makes picking up toys easy. [ via ]


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