How Technology Can Help You with a Baby

Who says parenting is easy? It has never been but until now. In this generation of millennial, where you get your dinner within 30 mins delivered to your doorstep, nothing is harder. With the latest development in the field of technology, parenting is easier than before. You want to know how? Listed below are top technologies you can use to get a hand in dealing with a baby.

1. Pacifier Thermometer

There’s no baby who doesn’t cry during the nights. Every parent is aware of the things they have to deal all night when they have a baby, but the cries are something they would love to avoid especially during the night time. The reason for crying varies every time, sometimes it can be because they are hungry or they want to get their diaper changed. However, except for these reasons sometimes it can be fever and there comes this pacifier for the rescue. You can easily check the temperature using this pacifier without having to remove his clothes or anything!

2. MamRoo Swing

Cries again can be very distracting when you are driving your car with the baby with you. However, you may be wishing for the baby to fall asleep as soon as possible, without having to do anything. Well, here comes the MamRoo to grant your wish. This swing will help your baby to fall asleep quickly without any hassle.

How Technology Can Help You with a Baby

3. BabWell

Some parents think they are smart enough to use an audio monitor for checking on their baby but what they don’t know is that their baby can be smarter. Sometimes, the babies try to pretend to be asleep and leave the crib when they think they have been successful in fooling. So, to avoid this you can use this video monitor to check on your baby in a better way possible.

4. Itzbeen Pocket Nanny

As you are already aware of how hard it can be to take care of the baby, you must already know how harder it can be to remember the times. When you are trying to multitask while handling a baby you may not even remember the last time you took a shower yourself! This Itzbeen Pocket Nanny helps you to keep a track of time for your baby. It keeps the track of time for naps, last fed, last time you changed the diaper and so on.

5. Aquatopia Deluxe Safety Bath Thermometer

Well, the sensation and touches are irrespective of the person. As you know what feels right to your skin that may not feel the same to your baby. The temperature of the bathing water is what a lot of parents worry about, but not anymore. This Little guy will help you to make sure that the temperature is right enough for the baby.

6. Vicks starry night cold mist humidifier

Well, putting your little one to sleep is the best feeling ever. This humidifier will ensure that your baby breathes with ease as they sleep under the sky full of stars!


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