Why Choose Baby First Food Carefully

Solids should be an important part of your baby first food when they are aged between 4 and 6 months. This can be a daunting task for some parents who are confused about the food to be given, the proportion and the suitable time for starting. The ideal answer to that would be when you and your little one are ready.

When your child reaches 6 months, formula or breast milk do not suffice as the only infant first food since they do not comprise enough of zinc, iron or calories for meeting baby’s requirements. Here are a few instances when your baby might not be ready:

Baby First Food

  • They are less than 17 weeks old
  • They cannot sit in a half reclined chair without falling on one side
  • The doctor advises delaying solids for a few reasons
  • Preemie babies may require delaying of infant first food, especially solids

According to the World Health Organization, exclusive breastfeeding should be provided for the first 6 months. If the baby first food or solids are introduced in unsanitary conditions, kids are likely to contract infection and gastroenteritis.

However, exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months may lead to deficiencies of iron and various other micronutrients. Hence, the diet should be planned well.

Just as all babies may not be ready to take on solids, the same can be said of parents as well. When it comes to baby first food, parents may be nervous, away on holidays or just enjoy the ease of exclusive breastfeeding. Parents need to move through the state of solids sooner for meat to be included as a part of their diet.

Hence, starting at 4 months may be recommended as it gives you the time to develop your infant first food as you want. Moreover, you’re not in a hurry as you can take things slower.

When your kiddy is 6 months old, they can take in a varied range of baby first food including cereals, fruits and vegetables. The meat can then be added for the essential supply of zinc and iron. Puree forms can also be continued longer before transitioning to the lumpy textures. Here are a few things which you are going to need before starting on infant first food:

A high chair

You can safely invest in this item as you need to use it everyday for the next few years. Check out one that has a removable tray along with it, an adjustable tilting on the seat, vinyl for easy wiping, wheels for mobility, adjustable height for swapping it from bench to dining table, harness straps for safety and a suitable design and color.


Suction bottomed bowls are ideal so that while they are taking the baby first food, there are lesser accidents.


Plastic scoop bibs are ideal, but if they are hard for your tot, you may use fabric, avoiding whites.


These should be soft with smaller heads than that of a teaspoon.


You may prepare your own infant first food and freeze it, or purchase age suited food from shops.


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