How To Teach Sign Language For Babies?

Before the spoken word, sign language for babies is easy to learn and it has been proven that children can do so in order to communicate.

In fact, research has even shown that sign language for babies has been proven to increase IQ and their capability to learn languages, among many other educational benefits.

It is helpful in making parenting a whole lot easier and more effective, especially in those cases wherein you are not sure if your baby is crying[crying baby] because he’s hungry or because he’s in pain, or if he’s irritable because he needs a diaper change or is simply tired.

Sign language for babies is easy to learn, and it is also easy for you to teach them to your kids. In doing so, remember the following tips:

  • Before any learning session, make sure that you have the complete attention of your baby.
  • Communicate signs that are used the most. For example, you will want sign language for babies to tell you if they are hungry, so associate a sign to the word “eat”. You can use a toy that resembles food, and keep this close to your baby at all times, so that they can associate this to communicate with you that they are hungry. Whenever you think that they are, raise this toy and allow your baby to visualize and see this, throughout the feeding period. You can do the same when they are looking for milk.
  • Through the use of ASL (American Sign Language) flash cards, you can teach your baby how to use sign language to communicate with you. Teach your child signs that they will use the most and you can help make this learning process fun and interesting by using a photo album, or by using the cards individually. Flash cards for teaching sign language for babies nowadays come in many colorful and interesting patterns that will make learning fun for your baby as well.
  • Once you’ve gotten the basic signs down, you can move forward to communicating emotions through sign language for babies.
  • Remember not to teach sign language for babies much too soon, because your baby will only get overwhelmed and confused by all the signs and signals from you. Develop the sign with your baby one at a time, until you feel they have mastered it enough to move onto the next. Be patient with your infant, and remember that he is learning the sign language at an infants’ pace.
  • Pay close attention to signs that may be your baby’s way of replicating your sign language. It may not look exactly the same as yours, and may even be uncoordinated at first, but the trick to developing sign language for babies is to keep your eye out for any gestures that may signify they are trying to communicate.
  • Developing this with your baby will allow an instant bond to grow between parent and child, and can only result in better communication for you both.


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