Tips To Reduce Potty Training Problems

I know several mothers who eagerly await and anticipate the day when they will finally be free of the hassle of changing diapers, and I am frankly amused when these mothers are amazed and frustrated when their child does not get it immediately.

In all probability, if you are a mother and are in the process of potty training your young child and have met with a solid wall of resistance, you would have lost heart already.

Do not worry, each child is different, and while one child may pick up the trick immediately, another will take a few weeks to a few months to get it all right.

The secret to successful potty training lies in how well you communicate with your child, and how you are able to make the entire process clear to your child. Never forget that all children are constantly eager to learn new things, and this in itself will make your job easier for you.

  • First and foremost, assess if your child is ready to be potty trained. You will be able to judge from his willingness and eagerness to imitate other peoples’ toilet habits, and this will provide you a clue about his readiness to grow into using a potty.
  • Second, make sure you buy the right equipment for your child. You can buy a potty, or fix an additional toilet seat to the toilet. While some mothers swear by the small sized potty, some others say that it is easier to train the child using an additional toilet seat, because it can make the change to a real toilet much easier.
  • Third, you can make him get used to sitting on the potty, and make sure that you do this at regular and fixed intervals everyday, before you have started the process of potty training. You do not have to explain anything at all to him at this stage; all you are doing is preparing him for the next stage.
  • Never threaten or frighten him into sitting on the potty, if he is unwilling to for some reason. Instead, give up for a while, and start at a later time. This will bring you better and quicker results.
  • Have him get used to the idea of removing his nappy to sit on the potty, and tell him that this is a grown up thing to do. He will feel proud to be able to do such a ‘grown up’ thing all by himself, and get more interested in the potty.
  • If he uses the potty all by himself, encourage him and make a big deal out of it. Give him a reward. Hug him and tell him that you love him.
  • In the same way, if he has an ‘accident’, do not punish him or threaten him; instead, clean up calmly and coolly and simply suggest that he try to use the potty the next time. This time too, hug him and tell him that you love him.

No matter what happens, remain optimistic, and have realistic goals in mind. Prepare yourself for a struggle ahead of you, and maintain a positive attitude towards the entire process.

Don’t worry, your child will get potty trained, sooner or later; everyone does!


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