6 Tips for Diaper Changing

Changing diaper is one real nightmarish chore, and what makes it all the more difficult is the annoying and fidgeting reactions of the baby. Whether your baby is a newborn or an older one, it will continue creating ruckus during a nappy change.

In order to ensure that diaper change happens without much hassle, there are certain tips you must keep in mind. If you follow these tips, you will not have to wrestle with your little one every day.

Six tips for diaper changing

So, everyone, let us take a sneak peek into six essential tips for diaper changing:

1. Setting up stations

The first and foremost thing you must do is set up stations throughout your house in order to minimize your search for a diaper, anti-rash cream, and other important stuff.

Keep at every station diapers, cream and wipes so that whenever there is an emergency you may find everything quickly.

2. Distraction is the key to success

The most common bodily reactions babies give away during nappy change are whining and fidgeting. You will have to struggle with a noisy, restless baby who would not just stay still!

In order to minimize uncooperative baby activities, you will have to employ distraction. It is important you keep the baby occupied; you may sing songs, play peekaboo, hand over a really favorite toy, or do anything else which your baby finds most entertaining.

In all this, creativity will help. Babies will soon realize your methods and would not respond, and, therefore, you should not fall short of ammunition and always be ready and waiting to come up with newer ways to distract!

3. Get all the dirty stuff off the baby

When you are at it—the diaper changing task—make sure you do not immediately remove the diaper; instead, use it to clean off remnants of poop as much as possible.

In case the baby is a newborn, make use of cotton balls or a clean washcloth soaked in lukewarm.

One really important tip is that always wipe the bottom from front to back to prevent germs from spreading, and afterward, clean the bottom with the help of a towel until it is dry completely.

Yea, one more thing, do not forget to wash your hands!

4. Changing locations

It often happens that babies feel uncomfortable at certain places and would not cooperate during nappy change—you change the location. You can do away with the bed and try new places such as the table, the bathroom or even the floor.

In your search for a new location, do not forget to put a towel or soft cloth down on the surface before the nappy change!

5. Keep baby safe

Your baby’s safety matters the most, and whenever and wherever you are changing diapers, make sure you have in place all safety measures. For example, if you are using a table to change diapers, stay on guard or else the little one may tumble down.

6. Anything can happen

You must foresee reasonably the things that may happen if you are not careful such as putting a cloth on the baby boy’s penis to prevent a fountain spray on your face or the wall. Also, wait until your kid has pooped all out before replacing the diaper.


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