10 Tips for Health and Safety for Children

Health and safety for children is of paramount interest for any parent. There is a plethora of information out there about how this can be achieved and the sheer volume of information can be confusing and overwhelming. Here we present a simple list of do’s and don’ts to help you ensure that you’re doing what you need to do for your child’s health and safety:

Health and Safety for Children

1. Breast feed

To give health and safety for children the best start in life, breastfeeding is important. It helps to improve immunity and protect not only against childhood infections, but also disease and obesity later in life.

2. Childproof

Childproof as much of your home as possible to prevent baby getting into the fridge, washing machine, bathroom, toilet, garbage bin, glass cabinets and a hundred other potentially dangerous situations. And do this while your baby is still little and before he or she has started to crawl.

3. Supervise

Supervision is the best option for ensuring health and safety for children. No amount of childproofing is going to take the place of good old human supervision. Gadgets and devices are never going to protect your child as well as you or a responsible caregiver will.

4. Start healthy

When you first start solids for your baby, try and give as healthy a start as possible. Instead of sugary cereals try vegetable purees and mashed fruit. Instead of buying prepared meals in cans or bottles, try creating simple baby recipes at home without using artificial flavor, color or preservative. Give baby varied types of age appropriate food.

5. Give baby an active start in life

In the interests of health and safety for children, it is important to instill a habit of physical activity early in life. Make it a point to take your baby out in a pram, to the park, the shops and so on. As soon as he or she is old enough to, let them play on the swings and other equipment at the park and make physical activity a daily rule in life.

6. Check up about recalled products

Whether it is baby furniture, particularly cots and cribs, or it is car seats, booster seats, prams or any other baby accessories, check whether anything you use for baby has been recalled. If you’re not sure, check up on the US Consumer Product Safety Commission website for product recalls.

7. Evaluate health risks

If you or your spouse have any health issues that could be problematic in children, have your child tested. If he or she fails to thrive or to keep good health consistently, find out why. Have your child undergo any tests and investigations required.

8. Keep a well equipped first aid kit

For the health and safety for children, make sure that you have a well-equipped first aid kit at home at all times. Disinfect cuts, burns, insect bites and minor wounds to prevent them getting infected. Your first aid kid should contain disinfectant, band-aid, bandages, tweezers, calamine lotion, anti allergic formulations and so on.

9. Use helmets, restraints and other safety equipments

Using proper safety equipment at home, in cars and elsewhere is known to save children’s lives.

10. Know what to do in an emergency

Read up about CPR, what to do for a choking child and other safety and first aid procedures. Have a list of emergency numbers ready and accessible at all times. Knowing what to do in an emergency is very important for health and safety for children.


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