What Triggers Your Baby Eczema And How To Treat The Condition?

baby eczemaEczema usually occurs on your baby’s face, chest, scalp and neck during the first few months of life. But, it can also spread to arms, legs and some other parts of the body.

Baby eczema is not a contagious one, but if it is itchy and scratchy, then it becomes a serious problem.

Main cause behind baby eczema:

Most of the babies suffer from atopic eczema; this is a hereditary based disorder and usually develops around 2-3 months of age.

Atopic is referred to as oversensitivity to the immune system which makes them to react to various aspects of the environment that normally does not elicit an immune response.

Allergic contact and irritant contact are also the most common and are likely to bring on by either immediate or prolonged exposure to the specific allergen.

If your baby is suffering from one type of eczema, then there is a greater chance to develop other types.

Facts about baby eczema:

  • Overall the skin becomes very dry.
  • There is a chance to develop tiny blisters. They can also open up and fluids can leak out.
  • It is abnormal to have involvement around the nose or mouth.
  • If the eczema becomes severe, then it can spread to the whole skin.
  • Usually, diaper area is free of eczema.
  • When your baby is between 12-18 months, then there is a chance to become their skin thick on arms and shins because of crawling.

Managing the condition of baby eczema:

Eczema is an allergic condition, so there is no specific treatment that can help with eczema. But, there are various remedies that can help in improving your baby’s skin and reducing skin irritation.

Moisturizer: Eczema makes your baby’s skin to become dry, so it is better to keep your baby’s skin moisturized to reduce the discomfort. Apply moisturizer several times smoothly throughout the day and particularly after the bath. Consult your doctor, as he can suggest more effective moisturizing cream [Baby skin care products for healthy skin].

Stay away from detergents: Reduce the usage of washing powders as they can irritate your baby’s skin. So, it is best to use susceptible products and dehydrated linen on the liner instead of in the tumble dryer.

Wear cotton clothes: Prefer to wear cotton clothes for your baby instead of synthetic or woolen materials. Cotton clothing allows your baby’s skin to breathe and help in reducing the irritation. Also, prefer cotton bedding as it can stop your baby from excessive heating, becoming sweaty and burning up.

Keep your home dust free: Keep your baby’s nursery free of dust so that it can help with eczema flare ups. Try to avoid soft furnishings in the baby’s nursery. Don’t allow your baby to play directly on the carpet.

Keep the pets away from the nursery: Pet’s hair is the most common irritant that can trigger various allergic reactions, so keep the pet away from your baby’s nursery and carefully wash your baby’s hands whenever he/she touches the baby.

Careful diet: Also, there are some types of foods that can cause eczema flare ups. Introduce one food at a time so that you can observe if there are any adverse reactions. Follow the right instructions about when to introduce particular type of food.

Prefer breastfeeding your baby for at least 6 months so that you can reduce any food allergies that can trigger eczema.

Following these simple tips carefully can greatly help in relieving with the condition of your baby eczema.


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