Parents Told It Is Ok For Newborn Babies To Cry

If you are spending a lot of time and energy trying to calm your wailing baby, you may find comfort here: there is a period of PURPLE crying that newborns go through between 2 weeks of age to about 3-4 months of age.

PURPLE is an acronym used to describe the ­specific characteristics of the phase: “peak of crying, unexpected, resists soothing, pain-like face, long-lasting and evening” (when crying is ­generally heavier). It may comfort many parents to know that they aren’t doing anything wrong even when their baby cries for hours on end; it can be quite healthy and normal for a baby to do so!

baby cryingIt is important for parents to become aware of this inconsolable and frequent crying in early infancy as being par for the course in the early months.

Parents may likely feel helpless in the face of such crying since they cannot stop it by any means available and are seen to be more likely to indulge in the kind of behavior that result in Shaken Baby Syndrome.

The reason that awareness of PURPLE crying needs to be spread is so that incidence of Shaken Baby Syndrome can be helped to reduce. Telling parents that this crying is normal can help to prevent injuries resulting from this violent shaking.

Source: The Pilot


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