How To Burp Your Baby?

burping babyAfter you feed your baby, he will need to be burped. This is because babies often swallow air while they are feeding. [Baby Feeding]

Generally, babies who are fed from bottles swallow more air than babies who are breastfed. Breastfed babies still need to be burped, however.

You should try to burp your baby after every feeding. You can also burp during a feeding if your baby is very young, seems uncomfortable, or typically eats quickly.

As your baby gets older, he will be better able to burp on his own, and have less need of it as he will be eating while swallowing less air.

The classic way to burp your baby is to cover your shoulder with a burp cloth or other protective cloth, and place the baby on your shoulder facing toward your back.

Please the baby high enough so that his stomach is against your shoulder. Use the arm on the same side to hold the baby in place, and use your other hand to gently pat the baby’s back. Some babies respond well to patting, others do better if you rub their backs gently; try both and see what works best for your baby.

A good way to coax a burp from a reluctant baby is to place the baby on your lap in a seating position, placing the heel of one hand against her stomach, allowing her chin to rest on the top of that hand.

For longer babies, you may need to support the baby’s face or jaw line with your fingers. Using your opposite hand, gently pat or rub baby’s back. This method is especially good at coaxing burps from reluctant babies because you are combining an upright position with gentle pressure on baby’s stomach.

If you can’t get your baby to burp, try holding her in a semi-upright position for a while. She may burp on her own as the bubble of air moves upwards. Or, you can always try again after a few minutes, or after she has eaten a little more if she is still eating.

Sometimes those air bubbles don’t work their way up out of baby’s mouth, and instead head toward the other end.

If your baby seems to be suffering from gas, try laying her on her back, and gently bending her knees toward her chest. This helps your baby pass gas. You can also try gently rubbing her lower abdomen in a counterclockwise circle.


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