How To Recognize Milk Allergy In Your Infant?

milk allergyUpset stomachs, colds, and rashes are the most common baby ailments.

The incidence of one or more of these symptoms can result in a serious allergic reaction.

If you cannot recognize these symptoms, your baby’s condition becomes miserable and malnourished.

Every year more than 100,000 babies are suffering from milk allergy.

This condition can lead to respiratory, skin and digestive problems that are often very difficult to recognize.

Milk allergy in infants is treated by eliminating the milk proteins from the mother’s diet or by replacing the infant regular formula with amino acid based formula.

Here are the signs to recognize the milk allergy in your infant:


The most common condition in babies is diarrhea. If the condition is persistent or you recognize blood in the stool, then it is the more severe milk allergy symptom.

Skin rash:

Various causes result in infant skin rashes like eczema, among which milk allergy is one possible cause, particularly when the rash comes out along with any of these symptoms.


All most all infants have gas, but if it comes out along with any of these symptoms, then it is the sign of an allergy to proteins in the milk.


Often babies spit up small bits of food. If the vomiting is beyond the typical mealtime regurgitation, then the condition must be checked by the pediatrician. The symptoms of reflux like difficulty in swallowing and spit-ups are also the signs of milk allergy.

Decreased or no weight gain:

The weight of your baby is doubled within six months after the birth and tripled within 12 months. If your baby does not get enough nutrition that he needs due to excessive vomiting and diarrhea, then the baby is unable to grow that he should be at that age.

Respiratory problems:

The common respiratory problem for your baby is cold. If your infant has wheezing, difficulty in breathing and excess mucus in the nose and throat, then take your infant for check up with the doctor. For most of the infants, these respiratory problems are due to the adverse reaction to the protein recognized in the milk.

Severe fussiness:

Every baby cries, but crying for inconsolably and continuously for longer periods of time is an abnormal condition.

Usually, this condition is called as colic, when there is no clear reason. Gastrointestinal pain can also result in extreme fussiness, which is due to the allergy to milk protein.

Failure to thrive:

Most often, infants with milk allergy suffer from lack of nutrition which is described by loss of appetite, dehydration, and lack of energy.

These symptoms indicate that your infant is suffering from milk allergy. So, take the allergy test and consult the doctor for healthy growth of your baby.


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