How to Help Common Breastfeeding Problems

Almost 50% of new moms will give up on breastfeeding after 6 weeks of trying. Breastfeeding is something that you and your baby need to learn but there are some breastfeeding problems that you may face.

The trick is to overcome these problems instead of giving up. Here are some great options.

Breastfeeding ProblemsBreastfeeding with Small Nipples

Women who have small nipples fear that they will not be able to breastfeed. The good news is that this is one of the breastfeeding problems that is not really a problem – it is all a state of mind.

The baby will not actually latch onto the nipple; he or she will latch onto the area around the nipple – the darker part called the areola.

More good news is that when you come to breastfeed your baby for the first time, there will be a consultant there to guide you. This will help you learn how to convince your baby to latch on and how to make sure he or she has latched on correctly.

Help Sore and Cracked Breasts

The breasts are sensitive and it is common to feel some discomfort. Moms with sensitive skin may also experience common breastfeeding problems of sore, cracked and even bleeding breasts.

This is due to the baby latching on incorrectly or just because of the skin drying out. The best way to determine this is through using some lotion to help add the moisture back. If the dryness does not go away, then it is the former reason and you will need an experience doctor or consultant to help you.

Another common reason is due to a yeast infection. There are chances that your baby has picked up a yeast infection in the mouth and it has passed onto you. Only your doctor will be able to determine this and you will need to talk to him about it. Luckily, antifungal medication will be able to help with that.

Too Much or Too Little Milk are Common Breastfeeding Problems

The most common of the too is too much milk and is usually seen in the first six weeks. You can do something about this – such as constantly expressing the milk, especially before your baby feeds. Too much milk will mean that the breasts become too large and there is no way that the baby will be able to suck. This will go away after six weeks when the supply only comes when demanded.

Too little milk is more common after the six week mark and is most commonly a problem when you go back to work and have to start limiting the time that your baby is breastfed. The best way to prevent this is to express the milk on a regular basis – when your baby would usually feed – to keep the supply going. You can do this until you are ready to take your baby of breast milk all together.

Getting Mastitis While breastfeeding

One of the common breastfeeding problems with moms is a condition called mastitis. This is an infection which causes the milk ducts to become blocked. The most common symptoms are flu-like, such as fever, headaches and pains. Another symptom is a red patch of skin on the breasts. This has to be treated through the use of antibiotics but you can continue to breastfeed.


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