Is Infant Teething A Big Problem For Your Child!

Infant TeethingInfant teething is the process of starting infant’s teeth to grow in sequentially.

On average the growth of first infant teething starts during the seventh month, although it can start, as early as three months or as late in some cases, as twelve months.

20 deciduous teeth to emerge is a long process and take up to several years.

Since the teeth literally cut through or erupt through the soft, fleshy gums of the infant, so it’s sometimes referred to as “cutting teeth”.

For one baby cutting a tooth might happen overnight without pain, while in another it is a long, drawn out painful experience.

The process of infant teething follows hereditary patterns. If the mother and father teethed early or late, your baby may follow the same pattern.

Signs and symptoms of infant teething:

The symptoms of infant teething varies from child-to-child. The symptoms that a teething baby may experience are:


As the sharp tooth rises closer to the surface of your baby’s gums it may cause stress and pain, leading to your baby being more irritable. Severe pain will occur when the first teeth coming in. when the teeths are emerging every child reacts in a different way.

Chewing and gnawing:

Infant teething may cause chewing and gnawing anything that he or she can get their mouth around. The pressure comes from biting on something helps relieve the stress from under the gums.

This can be dangerous if the baby is allowed to chew on objects which are small enough to be swallowed or which could break while being chewed, creating a choking risk.

Chin rash:

If saliva is running constantly in your baby’s mouth, the constant contact with saliva can cause the skin around the chin and mouth to become irritated. To prevent the problem of excessive salivation clean your baby’s mouth and chin periodically throughout the day.


While infant teething, most of the parents notice looser bowel movements in their babies. This is the most common symptom during infant teething. The most important cause of this disease is swallowing excess saliva.

Low-grade fever:

Fever is another common symptom of infant teething. It is common that the temperature of an infant rises while teething.

Not getting enough sleep:

Pain occurs during the day and night while infant teething. This pain causes your child to wake more at night. [Effective Baby Sleep]

Loss of appetite:

Due to the pain in your baby’s gums while teething makes a child not to eat anything. They won’t like bottle feeding also.

Cold symptoms:

Some parents recognize that their baby will show signs of having a cold. Runny nose and coughing are the general symptoms of cold.

Tips to overcome from the problems while infant teething:

  • Use teething things and toys which are designed with textures that massage a baby’s tender gums.
  • If the infant have severe pain, some doctors recommend the use of anti-inflammatory or child-safe pain relief treatments containing benzocaine, such as Baby Orajel.
  • Some infants can get relief by chewing cold washcloth or specially designed teething rings that can be frozen.
  • You can also massage your baby’s gums with your clean finger.
  • You can avoid pain by brushing your baby’s teeth as they begin to appear. Don’t wait for all the teeth to come. [Effective Treatment for Baby Teeth]


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