Tips on Travelling with a Baby

It may be that you still haven’t got rid of the travel bug from when you were a teenager, or you have to travel for family commitments; either way, travelling with a baby can be an intimidating experience. However, if you plan well in advance, a break with a baby can be a fun and relaxing experience.

Having a young baby means that you can travel in the off-season when transport, hotels and self-catering apartments can all be found at much cheaper prices – take advantage of this while you can, it won’t be long until your holidays revolve around school holidays and the inevitable wet British summer.

Flying is usually considered the biggest hurdle when it comes to travelling with a baby, but taking an infant abroad needn’t be a stressful experience. It is worth doing research into which airlines cater for infants the best, before booking your flight, as some are less keen than others.

Keeping your child distracted during take off and landing is the best way to keep them from freaking out over cabin pressure. Either feed them during this time or entertain them with their favourite Fisher Price toy. Apart from this, you’ll likely experience no problems during your flight as the engine will probably soothe your child to sleep.

If your journey involves a long car ride, take the usual precautions to keep the sun off your child’s face, as well as making sure they are safe in their car seat. Make regular stops for feeding and some fresh air for yourself.

When you’re travelling with a baby in tow, you’ll overpack for every possible thing that can go wrong. Invest in some travel-sized ready-made formula from any supermarket and you’ll save yourself a little space. Remember that you can currently only take limited liquids onto flights, although this does not apply to baby milk. Be prepared to taste the milk when going through security to prove what it is, otherwise it will probably be confiscated.

It’s also worth researching whether or not your destination has laundry facilities – if it does, you’ll be able to pack less and wash clothes as you go.

Do not underestimate the amount of nappies and wet wipes you’ll need whilst travelling with a baby – plan for delays, bad traffic and anything else that could keep your baby’s bum away from cleanliness.

Finally, if the dreaded time comes that your baby is crying on the plane, avoid the judging eyes of other passengers and concentrate on trying to calm down your little one. Stressing and getting agitated will only make the situation worse for you and your baby. Stay calm and think of the fun you’ll have when you get there!


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