Newborn Development Week by Week – First Two Months

There are many factors that impact newborn development week by week – genetics, a mother’s own health and exposures, whether your baby was born prematurely or full term and various other factors.

So what one baby may be able to do at birth, another may not do even a month after birth. In other words, baby development or milestones may vary greatly but if you want to know what the average baby does at what age, you expect the following newborn development week by week:

Newborn Development Week by WeekYour baby’s physical growth

According to Mayo Clinic, your baby’s growth will be in the region of about half to one inch each month. Baby will gain about 140 to 200 grams (5 to 7 ounces) a week and is likely to have doubled its birth weight by the time he or she is five months old.

The rate of growth will be slightly less in the second 6 months of life, but you can expect baby to have tripled their birth weight by the time they are one year old.

Newborn development week by week

Week 1

Your baby does little except crying, sleeping and eating at this stage, and is quite confused about being on the outside. Even then, he can recognize your voice which he may find familiar and soothing.

Week 2

By now your baby may have found something of an appetite and may demand frequent nursing, though he or she may be nowhere near having a set of predictable sleep or feeding pattern. She can focus on objects about 10 inches from her face and prefers to look at faces rather than inanimate objects.

Week 3

He or she roots instinctively and opens his or her mouth in anticipation of being fed. He can also adjust his position for feeding.

Week 4

You may be watching your newborn development week by week and may find that at the end of the first month, he may lift his head slightly when he is on his stomach. He may make sounds other than crying. Some babies this age may also smile and laugh.

Week 5

Some of those random and uncontrolled movements are now becoming smoother and more purposeful. Her head still needs support all the time, but you could try giving her some tummy time each day to help her exercise and develop physically.

Week 6

Most babies learn how to give their first voluntary smiles during the second month (it may have been a grimace in response to gas earlier). This is an important milestone for newborn development week by week

Week 7

Your baby may show a preference for brighter colored objects and may enjoy looking at a mobile toy that you may have suspended above his cot or crib. This could well be your baby’s first very toy.

Week 8

Baby may start to respond to you by this time, smiling or gurgling in response to your voice and facial expressions. The neck is getting stronger and baby may be able to hold her head up for short periods of time by the end of the second month.

Your newborn development week by week will have been trying, but an entertaining and hugely educative time as well during those first two months.


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