The Cradle Swing – A Great Option For Your Little One

Through the ages, man has used a swinging cradle to rock babies to sleep. The gentle rocking motion is soothing, and a swinging cradle can be accommodated in any corner of a room so that you can have your little one in your room and close at hand for the first few months.

You may find that waking up in the middle of the night, all that your baby needs is a few gentle nudges to set the swing in motion and to be rocked back to sleep. This can be accomplished by the parent not having to get up or even having to open their eyes!

cradle swingAlso the baby, sensing the parent nearby or hearing a comforting murmur can easily drift back to sleep along with the rocking motion.

For parents as well, it is comforting to have the baby at an arm’s reach. This means that the parent is reassured of the baby’s well being without having to leave the room, so that the parent gets more sleep and rest.

Many of these swing cradles are mechanized so that the parent doesn’t even have to keep doing the work to keep it in motion. Here are some cradle swing options from Amazon:

The Fisher-Price Zen Collection Cradle Swing

It rotates 90 degrees to provide side to side motion as well as back and forth swinging action. You can vary the speed and built in music – 6 lullabies and 8 other music tracks can either lull baby to sleep.

A built in mobile toy can keep him entertained as well. It can be used even after baby has outgrown it in terms of a cradle.

Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper Cocoon, Shadow Stripe

It will be useful for the first few months or until the baby learns to turn over. It can assume a reclining or flat position as required so that stomach cramps and acid reflux can be avoided.

Fisher-Price Newborn Rock ‘n Play Sleeper

This offers a gentle rocking motion for the baby as well as a reclining option for babies who may have acid reflux. Non-mechanized, it requires gentle pushing to keep in motion. Is compact and portable so you can move it around the house easily and even carry it when you go out

The Hushamok Organic Hammock, Natural

This is made from organic material and is made like a hammock to make baby feel snug and secure. Thus natural colored item is made from undyed organic cotton, mattress, 2 matching fitted sheets, and a leaf spring.


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