Preserve Those Adorable First Shoes – Shoe Bronzing Services

Adoring parents would like to record and remember and if possible even preserve every memory that is associated with their precious baby. The first tiny clothes that baby wore are probably faithfully preserved.

Every milestone is faithfully recorded: the first smile, the first time baby laughed, the first word ever spoken, the day baby took the all important first step etc. Pictures and videos probably capture all that there is to record as well.

Another unique thing you can have done for your baby is to get the first ever shoes[baby shoes] bronzed, to create a permanent baby keepsake. There are many people that offer shoe bronzing services for baby’s first shoe: the shoes themselves, whether made of leather, plastic, or canvass. You can have them mounted on a walnut base or have them done without the base. You can take a look here at this site that offers the shoe bronzing service.

In addition, you can have baby’s hand or footprint bronzed as well, to remind you later what a tiny little bundle he or she was. You can have these memorable plaques created; fascinating for you and baby! You can do the same with baby’s first baseball hat, and other little keepsakes.

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