Infant Teething – A Frustrating Problem In Some Babies!

Infant TeethingInfant teething involves the emergence of first teeth through the baby’s gums. It can be a frustrating problem in some babies and their parents.

Infant teething begins as early as 3 months and continues till third birthday.

The teething follows the hereditary patterns. If the parents teethed early or late, your baby may follow the same.

The teething process occurs at the age of 4 and 7 months.

You can notice the first teeth coming out of the gum line. The front bottom teeth called as central incisors are appeared first.

After 4 to 8 weeks the four front upper teeth will appear. The lower lateral incisors appear after 1 month. Then the first molars appear followed by the eye teeth (pointy teeth in upper jaw).

Most of the children will have their 20 primary teeth by their third birthday. Incase of any delay consult your doctor.

Easing teething in infants:

You can notice the child drool more during teething; they even want to chew the things. But in some children the teething does not cause any pain. Other children experience the irritability, cranky for weeks, crying, disrupted eating and sleeping.

If teething seems to be uncomfortable, consult your doctor in case of irritability. Tender and swollen gums can raise the temperature little higher than the normal.

Some tips to be kept in mind during your infant teething:

  • Rub your baby’s gums with a clean finger.
  • To remove the drool and prevent the rashes from developing, the face has to be wiped with a cloth very often.
  • Give some substance for chewing purpose, but see that it is big enough so that the child cannot swallow. Rubber teething rings can also be used, but don’t use the liquid ones because they may break.
  • Don’t tie the teething ring to the baby’s neck, as it could struck to something and strangle the baby.
  • When the child faces irritation acetaminophen may help but consulting the doctor is important. Don’t rub the gums by using whiskey. Aspirin should never be placed against the tooth.

Hygienic conditions for baby’s teeth can be provided for better teeth. Teeth have to be cleaned properly and daily for long dental health.

Dental care has to be taken daily even before baby’s first tooth emerges out. Wipe the gums of the baby with a clean, damp wash cloth or guaze or brush them with infant-sized tooth brush and water. Brush them with water as soon as the first teeth appear.

Use the toothpaste that contains fluoride on your child’s teeth once they are enough to spit it out, around the age 3. Use only pea sized paste in young children. Do not allow the children to swallow the toothpaste or eat it out of the tube. Overdose of fluoride can be harmful for children.

Make your child to brush their teeth twice a day, especially after the meals.

Important tip to prevent tooth decay; don’t allow the baby to sleep with bottle in the mouth. It may cause plaque or tooth decay.

Hence you are able to know the infant teething and their problems.


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