Pointers for Identifying a Rash in Baby

When one thinks of a rash in baby, the most likely thought to pop into the mind is diaper rash. However there are so many different kinds of rash that may be noted. While any rash in baby could be worrisome for a new parent, many will resolve by themselves in time, there are some that could cause discomfort and which could need treatment.

rash in babyHere are some helpful hints about baby rashes and identifying them to see if treatment if any is required –

Cradle cap rash in baby

The scalp, ears, eyebrows and eyelids of a new born baby will frequently be seen to have this kind of rash, which appears as a yellowish, patchy, scaly, crust like formation in the area.

It is estimated that as many as half of all babies may have cradle cap in the first few months of life.

This type of rash in baby does not usually cause any discomfort, itchiness and is mostly fairly mild. This could be a cause for concern if the rash starts to spread, or if it turns red and irritated.

Miliaria or Prickly heat rash in baby

This is a condition that is more likely to occur in tropical climates in places without air conditioning. This kind of rash in baby is marked by small itchy reddish rashes which occur to little babies typically due to their less developed sweat glands.

Talcum powders that contain medication are typically used to treat this condition among older children and adults, however such formulations may not be suitable for babies and doctors should be consulted to determine proper treatment. Also if the condition worsens and blisters or lesions form as a result of this rash in baby, a doctor should immediately be consulted.

Milia rash in baby

This condition is also often referred to as milk spot or oil seed and is commonly seen among newborn babies. These rashes appear rather like white heads and are thought to be caused by blocked pores, typically in the nose, eyes, and surrounding area. Unlike in adults, milia rash in baby can disappear by itself and without treatment in about two to four weeks.

Drooling rash in baby

As the name suggests, rashes can sometimes be caused by drooling among babies. This rash can appear around the mouth and chin, particularly when teething and other conditions cause baby to drool a lot. Keeping the area dry and clean is mostly the only kind of treatment needed for this kind of rash in baby.



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