Tips To Get Sleep With Newborn Baby Around

mother sleeping with babyIf you are that sleep deprived, ravaged looking creature just getting used to being at the mercy of a tyrannical newborn baby, you have probably tried every suggestion possible to get baby to sleep better, do you need more tips to get sleep with a new born baby around? Well you know what they say, every little bit helps, so read on:

To begin with there may not be much you can do to make the baby settle and follow any kind of pattern,  he seems to march to a different drummer for the first few months it would seem. So,

Sleep when the baby sleeps – This is a golden rule, eschew the temptation to finish the dishes or do a load of laundry. Turn of the phone ringer and get some much needed zzz’s.

Let others help: When good friends or relatives come for a visit, let them be in charge of junior for a while, which to get yourself some time quality rest knowing baby is in safe hands. They’ll excuse you for not being hostess just this once.

Let your bedroom be your own – To begin with, it is more convenient to have the baby close at hand but later the general baby restlessness, the squirming and the little sighs can keep you from good restful sleep.


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