Watch Out For The 5 Most Common Teething Symptoms

You wonder when your baby becomes irritable and his appetite for food decreases. This brings a struggle to an infant. While other babies go through this stage smoothly, some may experience changes in daily routines since it brings stress to the baby.

Teething symptoms usually occur during six months to one year of age. It is a normal process of growth of teeth and breaking the gums.

Effects of teething symptoms may vary from each baby’s adaptability to the process. It is important to be able to detect teething symptoms as early as possible from its onset.

This is to avoid further stress when the parents are prepared and when they are ready emotionally.

In this stage of development, teething symptoms are usually stressful for the baby and the parents and even for the whole family at home, since babies who experience teething symptoms often wake up in irregular hours of the day or in the middle of night. The rest are unavoidable and just normal.

There are five teething symptoms to look out for:

1. Watch out for fever when teething stage starts. Fever may vary from mild to moderate. You may give medications for fever when discomfort is observed.

It is, however unusual if fever occurs. This may mean infection. Always have your baby checked by your pediatrician if fever becomes severe.

2. Check on the excessive salivation or drooling of the baby. It is as normal as the onset of fever. However, parents need to take note that when excessive salivation is not properly attended to, it may cause irritation to the skin near the mouth, especially the cheeks which are more sensitive.

3. Runny nose is also prevalent in some infants who experience teething symptoms. These teething symptoms are normal although there is no scientific explanation that is directly associated to teething. Just relax. You do not need to give medications to stop this, as anxious mothers would usually do.

4. Be more patient when teething symptoms occur. It is usually when babies feel the mouth pain. It not only affects the teeth of the baby but it also affects the whole body of the infant. You may give compresses.

You may also provide a clean cloth which the baby can chew or add some ice inside the cloth for comfort. Give your baby whatever she feels she needs to chew just as long as it is safe.

5. Observe sleep problems. When babies often wake up in the middle of the night, they are experiencing a lot of stress. This may also affect his health. Make sure you provide an environment conducive to better sleep. This then avoids sleepless nights to parents and the whole family.

In general, teething symptoms are part of a normal stage when baby develops his teeth. There should be no cause of alarm when proper observation is met. Always find the best care for the child. In this stage, the most important role of a parent is providing comfort to the child.


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