Why Do My Newborn Baby’s Breasts Look Funny? – Part 4

baby breastIn our continuing series on normal variation in newborn appearance, we will next look at your baby’s body.

It is common for both male and female newborns to have enlarged breast tissue.

You may notice a slight swelling of the breast, or a firm, disk-shaped area under the baby’s nipple. This is because of exposure to the mother’s hormones.

It is not unheard of for a baby’s breasts to actually leak small drops of milky fluid, sometimes called “witch’s milk.” This condition will resolve on its own without treatment in a few weeks. Do not attempt to squeeze the baby’s breasts in an effort to reduce their size or to express liquid.

Exposure to mom’s hormones will also cause your baby’s genitalia to be enlarged. This is especially noticeable in the case of a newborn boy’s scrotum. This situation will resolve on its own within a short period after birth.

Your baby will usually keep his arms and legs drawn in close to his body. This is reminiscent of the way he slept before he was born.

In fact, most newborn babies feel most content if they are swaddled, which means wrapped closely in  baby blankets. It gives them a feeling of security.

Why Does My Newborn Baby’s Head Look Funny? – Part 1

Why Does My Newborn Baby’s Face Look Funny? – Part 2

Why Does My Newborn Baby’s Skin Look Funny? – Part 3


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