Knowing The Difference Between Colic And Other Problems

colicColic problems in babies are quite frequent, for up to 40 percent of newborn babies suffer from these troubles; fortunately they disappear when the baby is about three months old.

Should the baby continue crying beyond this period, then other health problems may be the cause.

Babies suffering from colic usually have a healthy appetite and develop normally, and suckle without problems, they also enjoy being fondled and cradled in your arms.

The stools of your baby must be normal, if the baby has diarrhea or is actually vomiting and losing weight you should call the doctor immediately, for babies with colic suffer of stomach cramps but do not actually vomit.

It is still unclear as to the causes of colic in babies, although milk intolerance seems to be a plausible reason.

Breast fed babies can also suffer from infant colic, due to the mother’s eating habits; these will have to be changed, by suppressing caffeine, dairy products or other foods.

Colic could also be caused by the air the baby gulps in while feeding or crying, or even due to the baby’s immature digestive system. Other babies have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which the parents may not be aware of.

To help your baby find relief from colic, try and console by rocking and soothing, lay your baby on your lap, tummy down and rub his/her back gently.

Car rides or pram rides are ideal, for they soothe the baby to sleep, as does music or even the humming of a washing machine or vacuum cleaner.

It is also important to make sure you do not force the baby to eat if he or she is not hungry and always burp the baby after each feed. You must take time to relax, for looking after a baby with colic can be very exasperating.


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