Newborn Baby Checklist: Before Baby Arrives

Parenthood is an overwhelming experience for first time parents, and this is why they should stay prepared with a newborn baby checklist before baby arrives. The purpose of the list is to make life simpler for the two of you. It is any time a good idea for parents to have the listing ready with them. Given the fact that each family has different requirements while preparing for a new baby, these checklists should be prepared in time before baby makes an entrance.

Newborn Baby ChecklistBedding and beds

The newborn will require a place to sleep once they come home from the hospital. You may choose the newborn to sleep in a cradle or bassinet beside your bed or in a crib, but then you should be prepared with a newborn baby checklist. Buy a crib, cradle or bassinet which adheres to the federal safety standards. If you want to borrow one of these or purchase one secondhand, be sure to get back to the company for any recalls.

If you are going for a crib, make sure that the checklist also includes mattresses. A couple of fitted sheets can be purchased for the bedding, along with a couple of waterproof pads and 4 cotton receiving blankets for swaddling.


Clothing is an important part of your baby’s needs. This is why you should be prepared with enough in your checklist. Remember to buy, wash and stack them before baby’s arrival.

As babies grow fast, purchase some basic sizes of clothes like 4 or 6 onesies with long and short sleeves with snaps at the crotch. The newborn baby checklists must include footie sleepers of about 4 pairs to keep baby warm without being too heavy on them during sleep.

You should buy some comfortable outfits for outside wear. Other important baby clothing involve heavy sweaters and jackets, baby caps, scratch mittens and socks.

Bath needs

Have the bathing basics on your newborn baby checklist ready to simplify bath time. A plastic infant tub is a safe place for taking a bath. It should be accompanied with soft baby washcloths, hooded towels and baby shampoos which can be used as body wash. The checklist must include baby oil and bath lotion, infant nail clippers, brush and a soft comb.


Include an approved car seat in your newborn baby checklist as it will help in transporting your infant home from the hospital and other places as well. While selecting the car seat, make sure proper installation is done to ensure the safety and security of your tot. Safety restraints and enough straps should be present to secure your infant appropriately to the seat.

While preparing the checklists, ensure that the seat has padding with support for the head and neck. If not, you may purchase neck and head padding conveniently. These are usually removable from the car seat with the growth of the baby. Other infant requirements include pacifiers, breast pads to prevent leaking, light antibiotic baby ointments, room thermometers and more.


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