Instructions To New Mother For Good Infant Health!

Infant HealthYou will be excited to go home with a new baby.

It involves frequent feeding and change of diapers.

They can have health issues like cradle cap and diaper rash.

During the first year they will undergo many changes. At first you may feel uneasy. If you need any help ask your health provider.

Infant health right after birth: Right after the delivery, the first exam will take in the nursery.

  • The temperature, heart rate and breathing will be measured.
  • To avoid infection special drops are given.
  • In order to avoid bleeding vitamin k is given.
  • Length, head circumference and weight are measured.
  • The umbilical cord is cleaned by giving bath to the baby.

Instructions given at office visit: The first visit expected can be

  • Hearing, vision and reflexes are observed
  • For abnormalities of the organs and body functions the physical examinations are conducted
  • Questions about your baby’s eating and sleeping are asked
  • A discussion about your home environment is asked (for ex., smoking will affect your baby’s health)

Immunization to infants:

Natural immunity is received by the baby from their mother against the diseases. Antibodies through the umbilical cord are passed to the baby before birth.

But this immunity is temporary. Antibodies are received by breastfed babies and the enzymes present in the breast milk protect from allergic conditions and infections.

The artificial immunization that is hepatitis B vaccine (HBV) is received by infants at birth or after. These are given in three doses. Combination vaccines are given at the visit of 2 months.

Doctor to be consulted: A doctor is consulted when there are some problems like:

Excessive drowsiness: As most of babies sleep for more time, this is hard to find out. Call a doctor in case of abnormal condition (sleepier). It means that there is some infection in their system.


Blockage of one or more tear ducts can lead to eye problems. The ducts open normally unless or until they are clogged due to the mucus. The discharge on the eyes leads to blockage and infection called as conjunctivitis (Pinkeye).

The doctor will examine the baby and he will prescribe some antibiotic drops. Fever in a new born should be reported to the doctor immediately.

Running nose: While feeding, difficulty in breathing can occur. Rubber bulb aspirator is used to suck the mucus from the nose to prevent the baby’s discomfort. Common cold could be dangerous to your child, so a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Dehydration: Breastfed newborns have very loose, watery and mustard colored stools. It leads to dehydration, which can be seen by their dry mouth and urine quantity is reduced.

So, the infant health should be watched carefully right from their birth and the doctor should be consulted at right time.


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