Formula Feeding Chart and Other FAQs

On demand feeding for your baby is all very well, but anxious new parents want to know exactly how much formula their baby should be consuming in a day. So here is a formula feeding chart ready reckoner that will help you figure out how much and how frequently to feed your baby. We also address other concerns you may have about formula feeding.

Formula Feeding Chart Recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics

Though each baby can be quite variable, the general formula feeding guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends as follows.

First Month

During the first month of an infant’s life, when a baby should be about 9 lbs (girls) to 10 lbs (boys) in weight, a baby needs to be fed roughly every 4 hours. A female child will need about 22 and half ounces of formula a day whereas a boy will need about 25 ounces of formula a day.

feeding baby

Second Month

Babies may be taking less frequent but larger feeds now according to the formula feeding chart. 6 to 7 feedings per day is what you can expect. If baby’s weight is about 11 pounds or a little more, you can expect baby to have 27 ½ to 28 ¾ oz of formula in a day.

 Third Month

Baby is still likely to be having 6 to 7 feeds a day. Weight may have increased to about 12 to 13 pounds and total amount of formula baby may be consuming in a 24 hour period is about 30 to 32 ½ ounces.

Fourth Month

Baby may be having only about 6 feeds a day now but is consuming larger amounts of formula per meal according to the formula feeding chart. Baby may be between 13 ½ and 15 pounds now and if so may be having between 33 ¾ to 37 ½ ounces of formula a day.

Fifth Month

Baby may be having 5-6 feeds a day consuming a total of 37 ½ to 40 ounces of formula a day. Baby is likely to be about 15 to 16 pounds by now.

Sixth Month

According to the formula feeding chart, by the sixth month baby may be having only about 5 feeds a day could be having as much as 40 to 43 ¾ oz of formula a especially if you haven’t started any solids yet.

After 6 months as you introduce solids, the formula feedings may go down to 2 to 3 feeds per day.

Why Formula and Not Cow’s Milk?

Cow’s milk lacks certain essential nutrients such as iron and may be difficult for baby to digest. Formula is closer in nature and composition to breast milk so cow milk is not recommended for baby until age one.

Can You Add Cereal to the Bottle?

It is best to feed baby more or less according to the formula feeding chart and not add any cereal to the bottle until after 4 months of age, unless there is any medical reason to do so.


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