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Baby Names

Reflection of Parents Name in Their Infants

Creating baby names from parents name
Today, in the tech-savvy world, everything is planned. The present generation is very clear about their actions and family strategies. In a world so...

Most Popular Baby Name Websites

Choosing a name for your baby is a lot of fun for the parents and everyone involved. Looking at books as guides is passé; the new trend is...

Ideas for Baby Middle Names for Girls

Something that many parents struggle with is baby names – but what about baby middle names for girls? Choosing the first name is often hard...

Celebrity Baby Names and Other Top Names of the Year Gone...

With the New Year come reports of the baby names that make the list for most popular new born baby names and these always seem to be affected by the kind of...

Baby Names and Numerology – What’s the Connection?

There is the understanding among a lot of traditional cultures that baby names should be picked with care because names can have very significant...

Unusual Baby Name Ideas

A severe tropical cyclone called Cyclone Yasi had hit northern Queensland in Australia just a few days ago, causing considerable destruction and damage. And one...

Wacky Baby Names Anyone?

Most of us would like to know what the celebs are naming their babies these days, either because we may choose to emulate our...

Most Popular Newborn Names

For the longest time, the most popular name for a newborn baby boy born in England and Wales was Jack. Now that reigning name...

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