Baby Development From Birth To Six Months

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From the day of birth, your baby’s development is an adventure, as s/he learns something new on a daily basis, for the first six months of life.

Each new developmental phase offers an opportunity for celebration which can be recorded in various ways.

Because every child has an individual learning curve, it is a good idea to store the memories in the form of photographs or videos. However, important milestones do follow a general trend:

Baby development during first and second months

Most mothers don’t realize how much their new little baby is aware of the world around them during the initial few weeks of life. While babies spend most of the day sleeping, when they wake, they want to learn about all the new things around them, including family members and other people in the environment.

At this time, your baby’s eyesight still needs to develop and can only see things that are six inches away.

Because people’s faces are the most interesting objects your baby sees, when you talk and sing, make sure that you are close enough for your child to notice. Though it may look strange, it is completely normal for your baby’s eyes to become crossed when s/he tries to look at you.

Most newborn babies pick up on colors like black, red and white, so purchase the articles for your baby’s nursery in these colors.

Stimulate your little baby with toys in these colors and keep them within six inches from the child. You will be pleasantly surprised when you see how your baby picks up new cues from the toys moment by moment.

Carry your newborn baby on your back when s/he is sleeping to reduce the threat of SIDS. Give your baby a little tummy time each day. Keeping him/her on its tummy strengthens the neck, head, chest and arm muscles. Take time to play with your little one on the floor and ensure that s/he gets this crucial exercise opportunity every day.

Baby development during third and fourth months:

When your baby reaches this age, s/he will start to smile and giggle, which will encourage you to do silly things to get one more laugh from your baby. Interact and play with him/her as often as you can to stimulate responsiveness.

Your baby’s eyesight will have matured by this stage and will start to notice objects in bright colors. This is the time to introduce books made of cloth, rubber or cardboard, and you should let your baby examine them by himself/herself.

Don’t be alarmed if your baby flips from his front to back when you keep him on his tummy. Some babies can flip as early as four months of age, by which stage their hand-eye synchronization starts developing. Support the baby by giving him/her bright colored toys suitable for their age.

Baby development during fifth and sixth months:

Your baby will become much more mobile at this stage, and try to move across the bed and floor. Be careful that you don’t leave your baby unattended as s/he can wiggle off the bed easily.

Some babies won’t crawl at this time; rather they try to crawl across the area, moving frontwards, backwards and sideways. By this age, your baby will be able to sit up with your help. Place brightly colored toys within your baby’s reach so that s/he can enjoy playing with them.

This is also the right time to introduce solid food to your baby. Wait for a few days before introducing another new food.

Talk with your baby as much as you can, sing and play with him/her every day. Your baby needs this loving security which greatly stimulates his/her intellectual growth and language skills.


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